Thursday, June 2, 2011

Neighbors | Walter & Lucille Wrozek


Walter and Lucille Wrozek smile as they talk about their wedding 58 years ago
at their home in Jackson. The Wrozeks spend the majority of their time volunteering.
"It draws us closer together," Walter said.

Walter Wrozek dedicated his early years to serving his country in the U.S. Navy. Now in retirement, he serves his community alongside his childhood friend and wife, Lucille.
The Jackson couple have spent the majority of the past 30 years volunteering in the community where they were born and raised. Lucille’s late mother volunteered for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and hoped the Wrozeks would take her place.
“My mom said, ‘I am ripening these two children up so they will volunteer after I am gone,’” Lucille said.
One thing led to another, Walter said, and the Wrozeks began to serve at several places, including area care homes and churches.
“We need a calendar to keep track of everything,” he said. “We are very active in this community.”
The time spent dedicated to community service has drawn the couple closer together, Walter said.
“We don’t take anything unless we can volunteer together,” Walter said.
He noted that during their working years, they “had to be separated.”
The Wrozeks believe volunteering has kept them in good health. Walter said while they intend to lighten their schedule, they will continue to volunteer.
“The good Lord has been good to us,” Lucille said. “We are so thankful we’re healthy and able to give ourselves to someone else.”

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